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Whippet Health

a resource for whippet owners & breeders

photo copyright Julie Poole

Help us~If you see anything on this site which you think needs ammending please let us know

Whippet breeders, whippet puppy buyers, whippet exhibitors, whippet racing & coursing enthuisiasts, whippet lovers and whippet owners the world over are interested in lthe health of their dogs. This site is aimed at helping all of them. It provides information about whippet health including autoimmune disease in whippets, heart disease in whippets, eye conditions in the whippet and whippet health testing and screening.

The Whippet Health Site & your Vet

If you are concerned about the health of your

whippet, you should consult your veterinary surgeon.  

This website is here for whippet owners AND their vets and may well help them to  identify some of the more uncommon illnesses found in whippets.  

Your vet may find some of the information in these health pages useful, do not be shy to show them this site if it might help your dog.

Many general practice vets are not aware of the incidence of certain diseases in whippets, and a good vet is always happy to be shown valuable information about whippets and the diseases that affect them.


Athletic Whippets are Fit for Function

Many whippets course, work and race and they have been bred for these jobs for many years. This has kept them a structurally sound breed which is predominantly free from the physical exaggerations that can lead to certain health problems.


The Kennel Club's vital criteria as  "fit for function" is totally applicable to the Whippet.

Copyright © 2010




With thanks to Julie Poole for our logo

photo copyright Julie Poole

Consulting Editor: Patty Ewing


(board certified in anatomic and clinical pathology)

"this whippet health brilliant and comprehensive... high quality information"

The Karlton Index

WELCOME. . . to Whippet  Health, a site where you will find information about many aspects of whippet care and whippet health.


This site is intended to help all whippet owners from a family trying to find their very first puppy to established breeders who may have come across a health problem for which they need more information.

The health problems in these pages are by no means SPECIFIC to whippets and the information may be useful to owners of other breeds.


Whippets are generally a healthy breed, but like all other breeds of pedigree dogs they can contract illnesses and conditions, some rare and some more common. The information you will find in these pages is here to help you if you are so unlucky as to have a whippet suffering an illness. Maybe your vet is unable to diagnose easily because he or she sees only a few whippets and hasn't come across a similar case before, or maybe believes that a whippet can't get that particular condition. So this information is also here to help you get the correct diagnosis as quickly as possible.


There is a page which lists places and people to go to for support if you are worried about your whippet's health.


The information on this site is for educational purposes only and NOT to be considered a substitute for professional veterinary care.


Breeding Healthy Whippets

All breeders want to breed healthy whippets free from inherited diseases and conditions.

The kennel club is so concerned about the future of the pedigree dog  that it is introducing tools and schemes to help breeders to keep all breeds including the whippet  healthy for the long term.

These include the new "mate select" scheme to reduce COIs. For more information on these important innovations for whippet breeders see our KC initiatives page

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